At MCC, we like to encourage one another to take the next step; recognizing that spiritual growth does not happen by accident. We want to walk alongside of you as you connect with God, connect with others, and take the next step for growth – no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.  Check out the information below and take your next step.

Step 1  |  Connect Card

So you've been to MCC and want to begin finding out more about the church, receiving weekly emails, and meeting more people? Your first step is to fill out a Connect Card. You can do this filling out an online version below or by scanning a QR Code with your smart phone on Sunday mornings. QR Codes are conveniently located on a seat back card on one of the seats in front of you on the main level, via a round label in front of you in the upper balcony, and at our Front Welcome Desk.

Step 2  |  Inquirers Course

Inquirers is designed for folks who want to know more about MCC as well as those curious about church membership. Offered twice a year, the five-week Inquirers Course lasts for 90 minutes each week and meets simultaneous to KiC and JH Youth Group. The class incorporates teaching time with laid-back, informal discussion.  

If you'd like to participate in the next Inquirers Course, click the link below.

Step 3  |  Community Group

As our church's single largest ministry, Community Groups are a great way to get connected with others. We offer several types of groups: co-ed (singles and couples), men's, and women's groups. With over 30 groups available at MCC, each has its own personality. However, all our groups share a common vision to grow by studying the Scriptures, care for one another, and live on mission together. 

Are you interested in learning more about how you or your family could fit into Community Groups? If so, please click the button below ...

Step 4  |  Serve and Lead

If you want to advance in your faith, we recommend attending Sunday gatherings, joining a Community Group, and serving in a ministry. We think that these three ingredients – built on a foundation of prayer and Bible reading – are essential to grow as a Christian. 

Highlighted below are several high-impact ways to serve at MCC. 

Click the photo to email the ministry leader and tell them you'd like to serve on their team.

  • Connect Team

    The Connect Team is responsible for helping guests feel like family. The Connect Team includes the Coffee, Foyer, Sanctuary, Security/Medical and Parking Teams.

    The Connect Team is led by the Director of Discipleship & Enfolding, Bill Fox

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  • MCC Kids

    Serving in KiC AM or KiC@Nite is an opportunity to help the next generation know and love Jesus Christ. Serving in this area makes an an eternal impact!

    MCC Kids is led by our Director of Children's Ministries, Jo Young

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  • Community Table

    Every week, a team of volunteers serves a free meal to those in our community. It is a way to share a meal, share our lives, and share the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Led by a team of volunteers, Community Table is a way that MCC serves our community.

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  • Music Ministries

    If you play an instrument, carry a tune, or have interest in live sound, or lighting the Music Ministries might be the place for you!

    MCC Music Ministries is led by Robin Fox.

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  • Youth Ministries

    MCC Youth is a dynamic ministry that reaches over 70 students. Every week, students gather for Sunday Night Live and then small groups (Powerhouse) throughout the week.

    MCC Youth is led by Director of Youth Ministries, Adam Bridges.

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  • Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

    We want you to be able to understand your spiritual gifts and use them to build up the church, for the glory of God!

    Access to our Spiritual Gifts Assessment and an opportunity to further discover where God may be calling you to serve.

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.